1. Stay in control of your life
The biggest advantage of live-in care is that it will enable you to stay in your own home and remain in control of your daily routine. Your dedicated live-in carer will encourage you to live your life in just the way and at exactly the pace you want to. In your own home you can get up and go to bed when you like, choose exactly what you want to eat and drink and never miss your favourite TV and radio programmes.
2. There’s no place like home
Your home tells the story of your life through your personal belongings, a treasured collection of photographs, paintings, ornaments and furniture, lovingly assembled over many years. There is something deeply comforting and life-affirming about going to sleep and waking up in your own bed, sitting in your own armchair and looking out over your own garden. Especially as we get older, there really is no place like home.
3. The comfort and reassurance of regular companionship
With care in your own home you never need to feel lonely or vulnerable. Your carer is always on hand to keep you company and, if need be, cheer you up with a friendly smile and kind and comforting words. If you are woken suddenly in the night by a strange noise, it is hugely reassuring to realise you are not alone.
4. Keeping in touch with family and friends
Many older people living in care homes often complain that their families do not come to see them as often as they did when they were living at home. When you live in your own home, family and friends can drop in and see you at any time and stay as long as you want them to. Your carer will see to all the catering, so that you can devote your full attention to your visitors.
5. Someone to take care of the shopping, cooking and housework
As we get older, household chores – cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing – can become more and more of a chore, so why not let your
live-in carer take care of those tasks you no longer enjoy doing?
6. Getting out and about in your local community
Living on your own for a long time may have made you reluctant to go beyond your front garden gate. With your very own live-in carer
there to accompany you and give you confidence, you will probably want to start venturing further afield. Thanks to the support and encouragement of their live-in carer, many of our clients have been able to start taking part in local life again. From their daily care notes,
we can see that our carers regularly help our clients get out and about, with all sorts of outings recorded, from everyday trips to the shops or
the park, visits to church on Sundays, midweek lunches out with friends, even occasional visits to the local cinema or theatre. In whatever way our clients wish to engage with their local community and as long as it is safe for them to do so, our carers will support them to make it happen.
7. Proactive care that promotes your health and well-being
Having someone there to keep you company and prepare healthy and appetising meals for you means you’re likely to start eating and sleeping better. As your energy levels increase and your overall health improves, you will quickly rediscover your zest for life. Another important aspect of your carer’s role is to monitor your health day by day and pick up on any symptoms that might suggest you are
becoming unwell. Our carers are trained to look for signs of common complaints among the elderly, such as UTI’s, bronchial infections and
digestive problems, and to take responsibility for ensuring their clients receive prompt and effective medical treatment.
8. Live-in care costs less than the alternatives
Live-in care generally costs considerably less than good quality residential care, while live-in care for a couple may cost literally half as much as residential care.
9. You won’t have to part with your pets
The bond between pets and their owners is profound. Having to part with a pet can cause significant emotional trauma and distress. Live-in care eliminates the need to make such a heart-wrenching decision and will ensure you can continue living in your own home, buoyed by the daily companionship of your pets, whether you have a cat, a dog, a bird, or any other type of pet.
10. With live-in care you can keep the same doctor
Opting for live-in care means you can continue to benefit from the expertise and personalised attention of your current doctor. This ensures that your medical history is well-understood, your treatment plans are consistently followed, and your overall healthcare experience remains seamless and effective. In contrast with residential care, live-in care enables you to stay with the same doctor, promoting better health outcomes and greater peace of mind.
Live-in Care with Chesterford Homecare
If you have an elderly loved one living in Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire or Suffolk who you feel would benefit from live-in care, then why not talk to them about the advantages it offers compared to residential care? Once they are ready to explore the idea further, just give us a call to discuss how we could help. Our Care Manager will be delighted to come and visit your loved one at home and explain exactly how live-in care works and find exactly the right carer for them. Chesterford Homecare has a small team of fully vetted and trained professionals who are respectful and sympathetic to clients’ individual needs and we pride ourselves on offering a bespoke live-in care service, which is not only friendly and professional, but also local.
Don’t let your elderly loved one struggle to cope on their own at home without the right support. Give us a call today on 01799 530780, or complete a short enquiry form by clicking Contact Chesterford Homecare.
If you want to learn more about Live-in care head over to Help at home from a paid carer – Social care and support guide – NHS (www.nhs.uk)